Sunday, November 21, 2021

Interesting News - 11/21/2021

A pro-CRT parent recently threatened to bring over 1,000 armed soldiers to act against a school board and fellow parents during a recent school board meeting.  Does anyone want to bet about how quickly Attorney General Merrick Garland will tell the Justice Department to investigate?

As I have pointed out Hunter Biden's use/abuse of his family connections in the past, it is only fair to point out that Neil Bush is doing the same thing to play footsie with a Chinese company that is on an official US government list of banned companies.  If these are our elites, we need a better group of elites.

I take NYTimes writer Paul Krugman's pronouncements with a huge grain of salt.  He has a bad habit of selecting facts to fit his dogma rather than the other way around.  Case in point.

Rent control is a losing proposition.  It hurts the poor more than everyone else each and every time it is tried.  St. Paul, MN is just the latest example.

Capping the SALT tax deduction was one of those actions from the President Trump era that I supported 100%.  I can't imagine a better choice.  Allowing for the dedication of SALT taxes ends up making lower-income areas subsidize higher-income areas.  Yet the Democrats want to repeal it and give a tax cut to the super-rich.  It's pretty bad when even the Washington Post has figured that out.

Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges.  Turns out that self-defense is still possible in Kenosha, WI.  However, MSNBC's first story on the trial verdict was to run down all of the theoretically possible ways that the federal government could charge Rittenhouse with other felonies.  They eventually conclude that there isn't any other way to get at Mr. Rittenhouse.  They could have saved themselves the trouble and just covered the story straight.  Nope.  Instead, they keep introducing theories and fantasies that are unrelated to reality.

A news reporter who is close friends with Democrat politicians writes a story about how the Democrats are seeing a disconnect with rural voters.  In other news, water is wet.  Maybe going all-in on identitarian politics wasn't the best approach?

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