Sunday, October 17, 2021

Abortion - A Quick Legal Comparison

 I enjoy the r/dataisbeautiful group over on Reddit.  Some of the visualizations that people come up with are fantastic.

I recently came across this visualization that compares the laws governing "on-demand" abortion.  There are other laws that speak to issues such as the endangerment of the mother's life and the viability of the child when discussing late-term abortions.  This visualization is focused on when the law permits a woman to seek an abortion "on-demand" with no other factors coming into play.

Click to embiggen - credit to Reddit user u/maps_us_eu/

Mostly, I'm saving this here for future reference.  I run into many Americans that claim to want a European-style legal framework for abortion.  Such people routinely advocate for fewer legal restrictions on abortion.  

Ironic, no?