Some of these items may be a bit older, but I think they are worthy of some consideration.
A young American is labeled as a white supremacist (and most of the other foul names that get blithely tossed about these days) for daring to support conservative individuals and organizations on her college campus. They try to make her bend the knee to their collective. She refuses. She wins. Also, Olivia Gallegos happens to be Hispanic.
Former head of the ACLU, Ira Glass, is quite critical of the ACLU's abandonment of their historic mission of supporting civil liberties for every American. Mr. Glass understood that when the ACLU stops defending speech based on the content of that speech, then the government gets to decide who gets to speak.
A local CPS agency decided that a single mother shouldn't be able to have her 14-year old daughter watch the rest of her kids. The 14-year old seems reasonably competent. The mother as well, yet she ended up in handcuffs in front of her kids. Our government clearly does not want to remain limited in size and scope.
We are regularly informed by the media that climate change is the proximate cause of a great many natural disasters. It turns out that while climate change might be a partial factor, our land-use policies are a much more significant factor.
Others have been having a lot of fun criticizing the Biden Administration's proposal to foster racial equity with a bill that includes funding for free crack pipes. This isn't a harm mitigation proposal such as done with needle exchange programs. This is facilitating harm by giving out the equipment needed to allow the harmful behavior. The supposed "fact check" sites responded by saying the story is "mostly false" because the bill included spending for things beyond crack pipes. While that is true, the point...the irrefutable that the government was planning on handing out crack pipes! Notice how that sort of "nuance" and "context" from "fact-checking" sites is never present when they are criticizing Republican initiatives?
The Luddites of the environmental movement like to claim that plastic waste accumulating in the oceans is largely the fault of the United States. Nope. China, India, and the Philippines are the three most significant sources.
The CDC recently promoted a graphic suggesting that masks were effective against Covid. When one reads the actual report behind the know - the learn that the data does not justify the information in the graphic. I won't hold my breath waiting for the media to confront the CDC for their disinformation campaign. I'm sure that none of the CDC's social media accounts will be held to account for that disinformation as well.
I recently came across this image of the moon passing between the earth and the sun that was recorded by a satellite located on the far side of the moon.
Pretty neat, huh?
Researchers have come up with a plastic sheet that is stronger than steel. Up until recently, we were only able to make plastics in long linear chains. The chains coil up around each other to form solids. But effectively, we are talking about linear strings of various plastic formulations. These researchers found a way to get the plastic molecules to form in a two-dimensional sheet rather than in the traditional linear string. They still have to find a way to get it out of the lab and into a factory, but that is just a matter of time.