Friday, July 28, 2023

Hugo Nomination Pool for 2024

Works that made it onto my nomination ballot in February of 2024.  Updated as time, needs, and circumstances permit.


  • Metamorphoses at the Gate by Lysander Arden appearing in Cirsova, Issue #16/Fall 2023 
  • Fossils of Truth and Grace by E.E. King appearing in Cirsova, Issue #16/Fall 2023

Graphic Novels

Dramatic Presentation - short form

  • Long, Long Time - Last of Us, Episode 3 - HBO - Honestly, I have zero interest in watching two "bears" bumping uglies.  But the writing and acting in this episode were so good that I watched the entire thing.  There are many excellent episodes in this series, but this episode shone far beyond the rest.

Dramatic Presentation - long form

  • Last of Us - HBO - I found the entire series to be great.  As the series is one long story arc, I believe it qualifies for the long-form category.
  • Cinema Story Origins - Paul Hale.  Simply one of the best podcasts I've ever heard.  Paul's podcast began as Disney Story Origins where he compared the Disney animated films with the story (or stories) upon which the movies were based. He has since expanded beyond Disney works.  He is currently publishing a series on J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit".  Very entertaining stuff.  He includes several audio "stingers" along the way.  Episode 2 (CSO 11b) includes a "stinger" that applies on so many levels.
  • Casually Comics - Sasha Wood. I enjoy graphic novels/comics.  I do not make enough money nor have enough time to follow all of the properties that entertain me.  I am sad.  However, I really enjoy Sasha Wood's deep dives into various comics properties and issues surrounding comics and graphic novels.
Best Series
  • The Eden Chronicles by S.M. Anderson.  Book 5 (The Wrong Game) dropped this year.  Book 5 was a solid entry into the series, but it is not a stand-alone novel.  The series is great and well worth the effort to read.
  • Saga of the Forgotten Warrior by Larry Correia.  Yup.  It is that good.  Yup.  If you won't read it because of the Sad Puppy imbroglio, then you are denying yourself a top-tier reading experience.
I want to point out that I am way behind in several series that did have new installments this year.  I also want to point out that I am 100% opposed to nominating any series based novel in the "Best Novel" category unless a) it is the first in the series or b) all previous entries have been nominated and won in the "Best Novel" category.  The "Best Series" is where series-based genre fiction belongs.  And no where else.

Short Story
  • The Dusk Next Door by Mark Pelligrini appearing in Cirsova, Issue #16/Fall 2023
Best Editor, Short Form
  • P. Alexander - Cirsova
  • Beth Tabler - Grimdark Magazine