Sunday, August 29, 2021

Interesting News 8/26/2021

 Yes, I'm still interested in these weekly collections of interesting items.  Yes, I went a few weeks without publishing one.  And yet you are back for more!

Brad Torgersen has a great essay regarding Covid, vaccines, mandates, masks, etc.  I generally agree.  The technology behind the vaccines is sound.  Almost everyone should get one.  A bit of commonsense about masks, handwashing, etc. will go a long way.  The folks pushing mandates are really very scary.  It's almost as if they've been waiting for an excuse to send rough men to hold people down and do "things" to them.

They found 300 recall election ballots in the car of a thug.  But sure...the election system is safe and sound.  One is foolish to wonder about election security breaches associated with using a mail-in system.

This is old news, but so is the theory of gravity and the knowledge that water is wet.  Children do far better living in a home with both their mom and dad present.  Single-parent households are a self-reinforcing spiral into poverty.  Solutions aren't easy, but you will never find a solution if you are not first willing to accurately identify the problem.

In another victory for Trump administration policies, the NY Times has an extensive piece on the billing/pricing of medical procedures and how providers and insurers are colluding to make pricing models as opaque as possible to improve their respective profits.  Red State has the news with links to the NY Times.

A final item comes in a National Review piece about a recent US Supreme Court decision that confirms Joe Biden's prediction that the court would strike down the CDC's moratorium on the eviction of renters.  At the center of the piece is the observation that the leftist faction of the court wants the administrative branch to pretty much be able to do whatever it wants with the thinnest of legislative justifications.  I would add that the American left wants the entire government to be able to do whatever it wants without any Constitutional justification.

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