Sunday, June 27, 2021

Interesting News - 6/21/2021

If my opinion isn't persuasive, then please listen to these American parents talk about how the methods being used to present CRT in their local schools are racist.  There are elements of CRT that are useful.  We certainly need to teach a broader review of American history.  There are other elements that are, without question, racist.

As I already knew, the key to addressing the California wildfires is forest management.  California has denied foresters the authority and funding to do their job properly.  Californians have paid the price for their government's malfeasance.  Hopefully, this policy change for the better is the start of a trend.

The new Miss Michigan is Vivian Zhong - currently a medical student studying pediatric cancers.  Congratulations Vivian!

The IRS has denied non-profit status to a Christian educational organization on the basis that biblical teachings are exclusively Republican.  I'm OK with that decision as long as they use the same rationale for de-certifying left-wing groups such as Move On who exist to educate voters in a manner that exclusively supports Democrats.

FTR, I'm sorry to hear that the Bidens lost Champ.  Also FTR, I've not seen anyone in my media stream mocking the Bidens over their loss.  That won't stop leftists from claiming otherwise.

David Chipman is Mr. Biden's nominee to head the ATF.  He said he wants to ban "assault weapons".  But he cannot define with any degree of specificity what constitutes an "assault weapon".  Unsurprisingly.  If it can't be defined, then it can be enforced on a whim.  George Orwell has had a few words to say about government based on the whims of a few.

Requiring positive identification for voters to be eligible to vote is popular among Americans across the board.  All races.  All party affiliations.  All income levels.  Based on Byron York's breakdown of the polling results, the people that are most opposed to requiring voter ID are white, rich, college-educated Democrats.  Not terribly surprising as they seem to have the least in common with average Americans.

The same building.  The same sort of activity.  Two very different outcomes.  Justice is certainly not blind in Washington D.C.  Protesters that stormed the Senate chambers in the Capitol building over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court were given the option of being arrested.  Those protesters that stormed the same building on January 6, 2021 were not.  I have issues with the motivations of both groups, but that isn't the point.  The point is that the government is apparently electing to enforce laws based on whether the viewpoint of the perpetrators is pleasing or offensive to the government agents doing the enforcement.  Selective enforcement of our laws undermines our system of justice and threatens the basis of our great republic.

An American Senator is a member of a racist club.  He will not be called to account for that membership.  He is a Democrat.  The Democrats routinely get a pass from our leftist-dominated media on their bigotry.

More good news from the world of medicine.  Another treatment for AIDS is on the horizon.  As the blogfather says "faster, please!"

A final item about Joe Bolanos.  He attended Mr. Trump's rally on January 6th, but left the ellipse for a hotel rather than walking to the Capitol Building.  He was not there when the protesters broke into the Capitol.  He never entered the building.  Yet his home was raided, he was taken into custody in front of news cameras, and his property seized in the raid has yet to be returned.  I you ever wonder why folks are skeptical of the FBI and DoJ, here is a prime example that justifies that skepticism.

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