Saturday, August 15, 2020

Review: The Rules of Supervillainy

The Rules of Supervillainy (The Supervillainy Saga Book 1)The Rules of Supervillainy by C.T. PhippsMy rating: 3 of 5 stars

The general concept of the book is that supervillains and superheroes exist everywhere. Our protagonist styles himself as a supervillain.....named Mercilous....who purposefully only kills bad people; i.e. other supervillains. Ironic, right?

The book is written as something of a parody and something of an homage to comics/graphic novel based superheroes. It tries to be funny and occasionally succeeds. There are major doses of irony and sarcasm sprinkled throughout.

However, the constant pop-culture references detract from the world-building and the general storyline. Given the number of references to real-world events/people/culture, the lack of any reference to bigger named Marvel/DC Comics names is a bit odd.

It really took until the back half of the book before I was engaged enough to want to finish it. It was a debate until that point as to whether this was going in the DNF pile. The book was competently written with minor proof-reading/editing issues.

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