Tuesday, September 14, 2010

From The Blogfather...

....UT law professor Glenn Reynolds, comes this interesting question:

Question: If intellectuals are anti-American, is it surprising if Americans are “anti-intellectual?” Shouldn’t intellectuals be asking why do they hate us?
Glenn links to this story over at the Chicago Boyz Blog where Shannon Love goes on and on and on and on and on and....where was I.....ah yes, much smoke, little heat, not really enough to get all that agitated over.

By the same token, I think Glenn's question is an interesting one.  Shannon invokes the incurious leftish model of "What's The Matter With Kansas?"  Written by someone that is moderately left of center, he asks the eternal question "Why won't Kansans vote for Democrats that really have their best interests in mind?"

The unspoken additional rhetorical question being "Are they idiots?"  The question is rhetorical as we all know about Kansan idiocy based on their voting patterns, don't we?

A better approach, and a far better read, would be for the same folks to ask "What is wrong with our agenda that causes Kansans to vote for Republicans?"  Now THAT would be an interesting and introspective book.

For the record, I don't think the word "intellectuals" is being used to mean "college graduates" or "professors" or "smart people".

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