Number 4 is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a professor at MIT.
Number 6 is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a professor at Princeton.
Number 38 is a professor of mathematical physics at Tulane.
And this guy comes in at number 1.
They must be stopped before they can act again?
Their crime? Skepticism regarding the cause and extent of global warming over the last 150 years or so.
Notice that I am not saying that there has been no warming, just that the available raw data that I’ve personally been able to check do not show it. Until all the raw temperature data are placed online, so the data can be checked by anybody, a rational person has to suspend belief in global warming, to say nothing of AGW.
The official government adjusted data for these sites do show a warming trend. All the warming is in the “corrections.” Sorry, I don’t buy it. Especially from “scientists” who are known to “correct’ their raw data to “hide the decline.”
There have been calls to silence the 496 scientists on the list. Besides “climate deniers,’ we have been called “traitors.” We all know the penalty for treason.
So far, no federal agents have come to pick me up. But nowhere in Mein Kampf does Adolf Hitler call for the extermination of the Jews. Hitler does repeatedly refer to the Jews as “tuberculosis bacilli.” What does one want to do with tuberculosis bacilli?
Emphasis in the original.
Generally, we see the existence of an 'enemies list' as an indication of a problem. A problem that exists wholely with the person or people that created the list in the first place.
The answer is in the data. What is needed, IMHO, is a transparent process by which the data is adjusted to account for human activity and its affect on the climate in either the micro or macro scales. That begins with non-adjusted data. It proceeds with a review of the measuring devices with an eye towards siting that would unreasonably impact the recorded measurements. It continues with the transparent application of mutually agreeable and peer reviewed adjustments to accommodate the influence of human activity.
None of which will happen while lists of "traitors" and "deniers" are still being compiled.
I am a little disappointed that I didn't make the list.
Roughly 12,000 years ago (too lazy to look it up) glaciers covered the spot where I now sit in Jackson, Michigan. Then they started melting. The front edge of the glacier left a bunch of stuff south of town now called the Irish Hills. Global warming is nothing I doubt, The part I wonder about is why our race is so self-important that it assumes we caused or can control it.
Yup....and thanks for stopping by, Brad!
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